How To Get To Know The Millennial Female Micro Influencer And Her Power Of Using Social Media

From Ariana to Zendaya, we’re all familiar with the names of Instagram’s top millennial female influencers. But the social platform is also home to a huge number of of “micro influencers,” or users who might command just a few thousand followers yet whose style and brand affiliations are closely followed and emulated by their dedicated fans. From Pinterest to Instagram to YouTube, visual platforms continue their deepening influence with consumers. Clique Media Group teamed up with Dash Hudson to find out more about the typical female millennial micro-influencer, and the infographic in this article gives advertisers a glimpse into her world and shows how to make the most of her influence. The research found that female micro-influencers have the most followers on Instagram and spend the most on fashion and that advertisers should harness their audiences on the platform with product blitzes. Here are trends why millennial female continue to embrace visual platforms:

1. Digitally Fluent Millennials Zoom in on Visuals. As Millennials represent the first generation to grow up immersed in social media and online technology, they exhibit true fluency in a host of digital platforms. These Millennial women gravitate toward visual platforms – including Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram – that allow them to share photos and videos.

2. Millennials showcase life experiences via still and video images: More than 60 percent of millennial women strongly agree or agree that they love sharing significant moments in their life on social media channels.In addition, this generation uses today’s visual platforms to provide their communities with a real-time glimpse into their experiences and adventures.
3. Image-focused social platforms spark product discovery: For millennial women, visual channels allow them to discover everything from that just-opened boutique to cool new products. In many ways, Instagram has become this generation’s new blogging platform, allowing millennial women to learn about potential purchases and new retail establishments through compelling images. Along the path to purchase, millennials seek out highly visual elements as they collect insights and information – ranging from must-have tips to styling options – to help them evaluate potential purchases. In fact, 30 percent of millennial women check YouTube multiple times per day, and more than a quarter check Instagram daily.

4. Collection & Creation of Beautiful Content. Millennial women live their lives surrounded by online content – both content they create and content they collect. Yet their goal with online content rarely includes being considered an authority figure or to generate a considerable following – in fact, just 5 percent of Millennial women use social media to establish themselves as an expert. Instead, they post everything from food images from their favorite new restaurant to videos of themselves experiencing their latest consumer find. Moreover, this content helps them to share their experiences with their communities, as well as to make decisions along their path to purchase.

5. Millennials’ embrace of lifestyle sites helps inspire new spends: Lifestyle bloggers and sites continue to resonate with millennial women, as they have become more drawn to visual and video. These sites include pictures, as well as quirky and trendy content, and really focus on the aspirational – how millennial women can envision the life that they want to lead.
From compelling videos to beautiful photos to image-oriented, news-you-can-use, this image-focused content has become a real resource to time-pressed, fact-gathering millennial women consumers who seek out ways to streamline their purchase decision-making process. Visual engagement continues to characterize millennial interactions online.