Focusing on Local Websites for Local Business

In SEO, lots of experts have preached that the best and easiest way to rank well in search engine results pages is to get your website linked on a high ranked website. However, is it truly the only best way? And at this point in time, will it really work out for you?


Fortunately, there is a better method. What is it? Creating links with other local websites. How will that be effective? Well, unlike before, search engine algorithm does not put weight on location and region.
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10x Content: What It Is and Do You Need It?

10x content is now a popular term used by Internet marketers everywhere. Randy Fishkin, a respectable and reputable guru in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and online marketing in general, notably used it. It basically refers to content that is ten times better than the usual stuff you see on the web.


At this point, you must already know that content is king. Whatever online marketing platform you go or use, content is the primary driver. After all, content, or information to be precise, fuels the Internet. Do note that when we say content, we do not just mean text. Content also includes videos, images, and even audio.
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Basic SEO Checklist

  • Basic SEO Check List

Search engine optimization, or more popularly known as SEO, is a set of techniques that allows your website to become more easily found on the web using search engines. Yes, it can be complicated. However, it does not need to be that way.

In case you are unfamiliar with SEO but you want to experience its full benefits, you can just perform the basic techniques. And we assure you, those things will quickly make a difference. For your benefit, here is a checklist of those easy and basic SEO techniques.
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How to Make Your Low Budget Advertising Work

  • Budget Advertising

The primary reason that most small businesses fail to get what they want from their advertising efforts is small budget. However, this can be easily circumvented. One way is to foster creativity. The second way is to get a good advertising and marketing company, which is us. Nice insert for an advert there, yah?


Nevertheless, unlike before, little budget has become less of a hindrance in marketing, especially if you are a small business owner and is aiming for a local target audience.


Thanks to the advancement in telecommunication technology, you can even kick off a nice advert without spending any penny. No, no. That is just an exaggeration. But with little resources, you can still achieve your goal.


Unfortunately, creativity is not something you can just have out of the blue. Getting a decent marketing company, like us, can be out of your options, too. And extra advertising money is still something you cannot afford to have at the moment. All you have is some extra time and eagerness to do everything yourself to get your business more known.


So, what do you need to do?


First is to reduce the amount of common and critical mistakes in your advertising efforts. What are they? Here they are:


Bigger/More Is Better Does Not Always Work

Forget about that mindset. You will only discourage yourself. Do note that bigger is better for those who can afford it. It is like trying to win a lottery by getting more tickets.


For example, running a big ad on a website for biking equipment just because it is cheap and you can do it big, but you are in the ForEx business will simply not work. Despite being cheap, it is a waste of money. Put your ads where it will be noticed even if it as small and you can afford to post a few.


Trying to Get Impossible Leads

If a group or set of people do not respond to your ads, even if you think it is the best ad you made, let go. Even if you believe that they are your target audience, just give up on them.


As one of the famous marketers on the web said, do not advertise on those who are uninterested or do not want to listen. Doing so will only waste your time and energy. If your target audience does not listen to you, there are two reasons. Your ad sucks or you got the wrong audience. If you believe that you got the ad right, then try another set of people.


Advertising Using Mediocre and Cliché Lines

Sure, you cannot squeeze your brain out for some witty and creative one liner ads. However, it does not give you the license to use cliché and mediocre copies. For example, writing something like this: “Our product/service is the best!” will simply not work.


That kind of lines is easily ignored. It does not catch attention and does not say anything about you, your product, and your service. But it does incite suspicion that you are just a spammer and hints those people who will see it that you do not have just enough budget for advertising, which may make them generate an idea that your company is not big or successful enough for you to even hire a marketer for you.


Those are just a few of the problems and mistakes that you are making. Correct them, and surely, your advertising efforts will immediately improve. Even if you do not have enough moolah to support your marketing efforts, you can still prevail and become successful. And in case that you want more guidance, you can just contact us. We appreciate a nice chat with striving people a lot.

How to Plan Smartly


If you have scoured the web for self-help tips or guides, you will often find that the common first step on those types of articles is planning. However, it is unfortunate that most authors assume that people can actually make plans that truly work or are even achievable in the first place. And in a business setting, you will often find yourself tasked with this job.

But are you really sure that you are creating plans that are truly effective? Are you making plans that right way? There was actually a proper way to plan?! Well, not really. But there is a more efficient method of making one. And that is planning SMARTly.

The SMART Criteria

The SMART criterion is a guide to help people create achieveable, realistic, practical, and efficient plans. It is a mnemonic that means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Of course, there are other variations. But still… what does it exactly do?

There are five elements that you must consider when creating plans or initiating a project. And all of those five elements are given emphasis when creating SMART action plans.

For example, let’s say that you want to improve a certain aspect in your business it can be an improvement of your IT infrastructure. For you to pull that off without a hitch, you must carefully plan it. And with SMART, you will be able to create that plan fast. Let me discuss about each consideration in SMART.

Specific: Your plan must be specific. In the example, what part of the infrastructure do you want to improve? Will it be your customer database? Your human resource database? Accounting?

Measurable: Your plan must be measurable. Quantifying the elements involved in your plan can make it easy for you to create guestimates on certain aspects that your boss, employee, or client might want to know. How many entries will you improve? How many entries of the database will you import or export?

Attainable: Your plan must be attainable. Usually, it will be the last consideration. All other aspects must be answered first before you can decide if your plan is attainable. Will the database will be improved in <insert amount of time>? Can we fix the entire database?

Realistic: Your plan must be practical and realistic. You might want to improve your business’ IT infrastructure, but do you have the money to do so? Do you have the personnel that can handle and monitor it?

Time-bound: Your plan must be time-bound. There should be a deadline or time checkpoints when certain tasks must be accomplished. Can the database be fixed within a day? Two days? A week? Can the business afford to halt operations to the amount of time needed to perform the upgrades?

That is just the basics of SMART action planning. It is a big help if you truly want to create achievable, efficient, and practical plans in your business — or in other aspects of your life.


5 Things You Need to Do to Market Yourself and Business

In the renovation business, marketing is everything. Unlike other industries, you do not get a lot of customers in this industry. Most of the time, you can count the number of your customers every month with your fingers. To change that, you must start adding more effort in improving yourself and business’ presence. +Read More

Marketing for Contractors

Do you want to get more customers for your contractor business? If your answer is yes, then it is crucial that you exert some effort in your advertisements and marketing tasks. The fact of the matter is that making sure that your leads and yearly sales are increasing, improving your gross profits, corporate image, and visibility of your work in the market will ensure that your companies will be in the business longer than your your competitors will.

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How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog

The best way to get people and search engines (which means more people) to your website is by getting relevant inbound links. If you have some spiffy new gimmick on your website this may be easy as everyone will be linking to you.
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How to Create the Perfect Trending Topic

How to Create the Perfect Trending Topic

A huge population of the world today is into television and social media. These forms of entertainment get to be a door that opens a huge array of possibilities. Most of the time, there comes a word, action, or person that gets to be the talk of the town. It is what the internet calls, viral. It spreads like wildfire and eventually dies down after quite some time. Companies can make use of trends as a chance to promote and make themselves known to the general public.

According to, Trends are not just words, phrases or hashtags that are used a lot, or the trends box would look the same every day and always feature ‘and’, ‘if’, ‘the’ and ‘Justin Bieber’. Twitter says its trends are ‘determined by an algorithm’ and that they identify ‘topics that are immediately popular’.

But among everything else, you yourself can make the perfect trending topic and make a name for your own. Put yourself in the limelight. It can be very difficult because what people might like may vary and be quite unexpected. Nevertheless, there are key points that always surface whenever a trending topic comes out.

Here is a how-to on creating a perfect trending topic.

Have a sense of humor. Majority of what people today consider trending is funny. They seek television and social media as intermediaries for finding entertainment. Probably someone who gets a good laugh gets entertained. People call it memes. A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from one person to another. They are usually humorous and relatable. That’s what makes them trending most of the time.

Hashtag. Yes. We mean the number sign that’s all over Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. But they do wonders to making a trending topic. A post or topic that is hashtagged frequently may be considered trending. Once it pops up to the worldwide or country trends, then you’re in for a treat. That means your hashtag has amounted to 2000-7000 posts and that is definitely something.

Know your connections. It won’t hurt to have your friends help you in spreading the word. After all, the more the merrier. The more reposts, the more people get through to seeing whatever you desire to come across.

Above all else, be genuine. A topic that isn’t all that scripted and forced out gets to be easily accepted by the audience. Due to the impact caused by technology and cyberspace, the world today is outstandingly fast-paced. But that’s what makes trends challenging and fun all the same.

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